Thanks For The Inspiration

A while back I sent a text to a few friends, who unknown to them, happened to inspire me that morning.

Inspire Me for What?

To get up before the sun raise and start to super-charge my life. Even though, I am having a great year. I know I can do better. I know I have not even reach my potential for producing quality work and relationships.

Unlike most, I am naturally lazy and don’t like to work hard. I try to find the easiest way to accomplish a simple task. Because of this ailment, I have to have laser-beam focus to accomplish tasks and not get side-tracked.

It’s probably something I’m going to have to live with for the rest of my life.

However, my definition of laziness and working hard may be different than yours. I constantly ask myself the question, “Is that the best you can do?”

Most times the answer is, “No.”

Early Friday morning I sent a text to the following family and friends who inspired me and here’s why…

Allison Jewell — Staying strong while taking over major responsibilities.
Ed Watson — For the comment I often use now, “You would have done the same for me.”
Lee Brush — Showing how to prepare for a family.
Yasra — Doesn’t matter how far away a friend is, you always have one.
Kenneth Matthews — It’s doesn’t matter how old a dog is… you must learn new tricks.
Rich Schefren — Explaining the importance of creating value.
Brandon Jewell — Persistence
Michael Smith — Having the mindset of an over-comer
Ben Evans — Being a great example of having fun with multiple jobs.
Andy Lockridge — Staying focus on clear communication.
Karnell Matthews — Making sure I don’t waste my time.
Aunt Rose — Leaning hard on your beliefs
Aunt Steen — My travel-the-world role model
Cassandra Reynolds — The right place at the right time happens when your prepared.
Kendell Uttech — The epitome of “It’s all good.” attitude.
Chase Matthews — Even the young can understand complicated issues.
Deanna Drost — Be content with what you do have.
Harry Matthews — Patience.
Kevin Sellers — Do only what you’re passionate about.
My Love — Everything is important.

Will you inspire me next Friday?

Because of the above friends and family I’m going be extraordinary. I’m going to be extraordinary in the only thing in the world I have control over… my actions. I can’t control anything else except my own mind and the people who I choose to associate with.

Want to create an extraordinary mind and learn from like minded people? If so, I was able to have my friend Rich Schefren create a video explaining how he is helping others do just that. Check it out below.

Who are you going to send a “Thanks for the Inspiration” text to?

Moving Forward,

Kendall E. Matthews

P.s. Follow my mind —>
