Why Tall Weeds Grow Marketing Plans

What am I doing? That’s what I asked myself. For three hours, I messed around on my laptop trying to figure out the marketing plan  I wanted for my website.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I was hot! Even a fancy fan couldn’t cool me off!

I had to get out. I went outside to the shed. Grab my electric weed-wacker and started doing something that I hate to do… yard work.

I came to the tipping point. I would rather do yard work than try to come up with another article that probably would not get read.

Have you ever gotten to a point in your business life, when you ask yourself…

  • What Am I Doing?
  • What Is The Point?
  • What Am I Trying To Accomplish?

Five minutes into the butchering my front yard weeds I had a moment of clarity. You know that aha moment. So close to your face you can’t even see it. It goes something like the last scene of “Coming To America.”

As I cut short the lives of ground ivy and white clover weeds, I finally realized who I needed to speak to.


Eminem stated…

..there’s a million of us just like me…
who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me

Agents who enjoy investment real estate. Who would rather refer business to others and have a life. Who don’t want to cart around Mr. & Mrs. We Decided To Rent Because The We FEEL the Market Is Going to Go Down Even Further So We Will Call You Next Year Thanks For Driving Us Around These Past Few Weeks.

There are thousands of local real estate agents who have done the By Referral Only, Craig Proctor, Brian Buffini, Mike Ferry training.

Only to feel dazed and confused as to why they never achieved their goal of being on the Realtor 30 Under 30 List.

Who am I talking to?

I’m talking to those who, like me, got into this business because of a real estate agent friend who owned rental property. You saw the income from those rental was enough to take care of her families needs. They didn’t live like the Trumps, but they weren’t the Joneses.

You saw that she helped about 10 to 20 people buy or sell property. She had a flexible schedule to spend time with family and friends.

That’s why you got into real estate, right? Your goal wasn’t to be Ms. America Real Estate or Mr. Top-Office Producer.

You wanted to have enough money to cover your families needs and a comfortable emergency fund so that you didn’t have to stress out. You could care less about office awards, certificates, and designations.

Is that’s you? Are you just like me?

That was my moment of clarity as I ended the lives of the stick weeds and crabgrass.

What are the next steps for us?

For those who want to become investing real estate agents, sign up on my list and receive my Income Property Blueprint.

For those of you who have a day job and just happen to own a property or two, go ahead and  do the same thing.
